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Ironwood Medical Information Technologies, IMIT, takes pride in its work, and the information published on the IMIT Platform is believed to be accurate and reliable. The IMIT Platform is provided strictly for informational purposes, and IMIT recommends that any medical, diagnostic, or other advice be obtained from a medical professional. The information contained on the IMIT Platform should be considered another source of information toward your decision making and should carry no additional weight relative to other information sources on similar subject matter. The information contained on the IMIT Platform is not intended to be a definitive source on any particular subject matter.


IMIT does not warrant or make any representation as to the completeness, timeliness or accuracy of any information provided in the IMIT Platform, and any access, use, and reliance upon the IMIT Platform is done at your own risk.


The IMIT Platform can include information relating to treatment. You understand and agree that the IMIT Platform is not to be used as a definitive source for all possible treatment options and is not intended to replace a clinician’s knowledge, experience and established treatment protocols. Any treatment information provided by the IMIT Platform is not intended to include all possible treatment options. Recognizing that proper treatment must be individualized for each patient, any information regarding treatment provided by or on the IMIT Platform should not be considered a specific recommendation for you or any particular individual. Any information published on the IMIT Platform, including treatment or other medical information, is provided exclusively as an aid, including for physicians or healthcare clinicians. Any ultimate treatment decisions or advice must be based on a clinician’s total knowledge, experience and established treatment protocols.


In addition, if the user is not a health care professional, IMIT directs the user to seek advice, including treatment advice, from a health care professional, including when evaluating any content provided by the IMIT Platform. You should always seek additional sources of information, including from qualified health care professionals if you have a question regarding an actual medical condition. Do not rely on the contents of the IMIT Platform over those of a professional health care provider. Do not disregard, forgo, or delay medical treatment because of information provided on the IMIT Platform.


Presentation of the information via the Internet is not intended to create, and receipt does not constitute, a health care provider-patient relationship. Furthermore, the information on the IMIT Platform is not intended as an offer or solicitation of advice of any form, in any jurisdiction.


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