The following FibonacciMD resource guide includes information (content and how-to guides) and links to the FibonacciBLOG, FibonacciNEWS, social media, and videos.
The FibonacciBLOG includes:
Medical ARTICLES are written by the medical community for the medical community. Some are IN BRIEF articles, a series of medical terms extracted from our Compendium.
CME eligible articles are available to preview on our blog. Go to the APP to read the full articles and take the corresponding test.
Patient Handouts are medical articles written for the curious non-medical-professionals. Downloadable PDFs are available in the APP.
Culinary Medicine articles on nutrition and how to use food as medicine.
Recipes - Our recipes use food as medicine. They can help people eat food to enhance their health situation or to avoid foods that are not advised for certain medical conditions.
Company, product, and website NEWS about, our APP at, and our corporate site at
FibonacciMD has a Chrome browser plugin, an integrative browser extension to simplify your login access to the APP, We offer a blog post describing how to install the plugin as well as a video.
Watch our video "How to use the FibonacciMD browser plugin" to Annotate medical records and documents.
Subscribe to our monthly FibonacciNEWS email update.
Follow us on to receive updates on blog articles and news.
Follow us on
Subscribe to our YouTube channel.
Our website has a Video Library page with videos from our YouTube channel. The video library was created to share our videos as well as some other videos that we think you might be interested in.
We hope these resources are useful. Come back to see what's new.