Search Results
35 items found for "Richard Strongwater"
- Frank's Sign, The Earlobe Crease
Understanding Frank's Sign and Its Link to Heart Disease InBrief by Richard Strongwater, MD Frank's sign
- Quadriceps Exercises Patient Handout
Orthopaedics Patient Handouts PDF by Richard Strongwater, MD There are four gentle exercises to help
- The Health Benefits of Peaches: Unveiling the Good and Handling the Bad (Peach Fuzz Allergies)
Ingredient Explainer: Peaches Healthy Peach Compote Recipe medically reviewed by Richard Strongwater,
- Schistosomiasis
disease also known as Bilharzia, Katayama Fever, and Snail Fever Infectious Disease Medical InBrief by Richard Strongwater, MD and Harish Moorjani, MD Schistosomiasis (bilharzia) is an infection caused by a parasitic
- FibonacciMD Launches New Time-Saving CME Feature on APP
"FibonacciMD is made by physicians for physicians" said Richard Strongwater, Chief Executive Officer,
- The Common Cold: Honey to Ma Huang
InBrief by Madeleine Beckman Edited by Richard Strongwater, MD The cold, also known as the “acute upper
- Ketogenic vs Paleo Diet
Bariatric Medicine by Stefanie Schwartz, MS, RD, CDN and Richard Strongwater, M.D.
- Vitamin D Ergocalciferol, Cholecalciferol, Ercalcitriol & Calcitriol
Nutrition InBrief FibonacciCOMPENDIUM By Stefanie Schwartz, MS, RD, CDN, and Richard Strongwater, MD
- Daily Low-dose Aspirin Therapy: Pros & Cons
InBrief by Madeleine Beckman Edited by Richard Strongwater, MD Updated by Stu Caplen, MD Some 30-million
- Vitamin D Simplified
Nutrition Information on Vitamin D By Stefanie Schwartz MS, RD, CDN, Richard Strongwater MD, and Stuart
- Developmental Music Therapy
DoReMe&You - Beach Day VIDEO More videos for children on the Strongwater Studios YouTube Channel DoReMe &You is an original developmental music therapy program developed by Strongwater Studios for babies,
- Music and Stress Relief
Evening Song VIDEO by Sam Seicol and Peri Strongwater Listening to music on your own or having music Chaplain Sam Seicol wrote original lyrics and Music Therapist Peri Strongwater, MT-BC composed and recorded